Ahmed clocks Texas education system; victimized by ‘fraidy cat “Hoax Bomb” Law

Alternate, shorter title:  “Ahmed clocks Texas educational system.

Or, because I love a good pun, “The hoax is on you.”


What happens when a one 14 year old kid, Ahmed Mohamed, is nicer and smarter than his teachers, his principal, and (gulp) the entire Irving Police Department.  This, after teachers panicked and had Irving PD arrest the teenage clock builder.  Irving Police it seems, also violated Ahmed’s civil rights in questioning him.  Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd is backpedaling as I type.

Missed the news?  Ahmed Mohamed built a clock and took it to school to show his teachers. The teachers freaked.  The principal freaked.  Irving police were summoned. ‘Fraidy cats they were, Irving Police promptly arrested Ahmed.

The rest of America responded to the whiz kid more favorably.

Mark Zuckerberg tweeted to drop by.  Twitter went nuts, and then the powers that be at Twitter offered Ahmed an internship, now.  Oh.  Our President invited Ahmed to the White House.

However, Irving being Irving, doubled-down with this:


Why Texas is rife with official, ‘fraidy cats

I worry. As the Texas Legislature has proved, Texas has done gone, sissified. It’s illegal to scare people.  Even where their fears are out of left field.

Texans used to have a well-deserved reputation for common sense and bravery. It’s a real head scratcher that Texas changed so drastically, where Texans got so scared, Texas is now in danger of being called, the ‘fraidy cat state. How else to explain how the Texas Legislature passed Penal Code Bill: 46.08 The HOAX BOMB

(13) “Hoax bomb” means a device that:
(A) reasonably appears to be an explosive or incendiary device; or
(B) by its design causes alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or a volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies.

Ahmed became Irving PD’s “Emergency.”  Can they get any more lame?

Texas has become so lethally afraid, the legislature can’t pass laws fast enough to deal with it.  That includes women, by the way.

Full disclosure:  This explains Texas.

TEXAS Language Explained

T-shirtteachingdependenceSpent some time living in Texas.  Will admit to a decided weakness for Texans.

Real Texans.  The kind of Texan who can smell a fight coming, but head it off with a witty comment.  Real Texans.  The type of men who know how to deliver a knockout punch if need be — including if the “need” is not wanting to be late for supper.  Or dinner.  There is a difference.   Sometimes recommend people who don’t understand Texas or Texans, buy “How to Speak Texas in 30 Minutes or Less.”  Love solid, funny, good-hearted Texans.

Also, Texas women are my favorites. One must have real grit to survive Texas, and Texas women aren’t short on grit or glitter.  This horse getting his neck rubbed reminds me of good Texas people.

Best for last.  Hi Mac!  Great guy.  Fun guy.  Smart guy.  All Texan.  The real kind. Mac wouldn’t tolerate any such nonsense.  But Mac would calm people down with that big-as-Texas-brain of his.  Likely with a Texas size dose of Mac-humor.

(Don’t worry, Mac. Won’t ID you beyond that.  Your retirement is safe!)

But seriously, Texas; and I mean this sincerely:  Get it together.  Pass some sane, gun laws.  Otherwise, you’re gonna look like you are. Racist.


And by the way, Laredo Border Patrol; it’s real chicken to shoot Mexicans in Mexico, killing a Dad celebrating his daughter’s birthday, on the banks of a river, from your river patrol boat. The Mexico side of the river.

Texas, you gotta hire better people people for your legislature, and law enforcement. If Texas cops are that scared, maybe they aren’t ready for the job.  Especially, law enforcement types who can’t stop pulling guns at birthday parties.  (Someone will invite you to a birthday party, dude.  Maybe.)

But most of all, Texas, Stop being afraid of women so much you want to control every phase of their bodies.  The t-shirt is not funny, but real.

Stop and think, Texas.  If it weren’t for the food, you guys would have already lost me.

About bonnie russell

It's not about me....it’s always about people.
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2 Responses to Ahmed clocks Texas education system; victimized by ‘fraidy cat “Hoax Bomb” Law

  1. Sally Spelbring says:



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