Vanderbilt gang-rape sentencing: Add Judge Monte Watkins name to the top of the list of sentencing light, Judges.

Judge Monte Watkins

Judge Monte Watkins – sympathy for the urinating, misogynistic, rapist . Zip for the victim.

Well, at least Judge Monte Watkins didn’t high-five Cory Batey.  Who says there’s no war on women?  But it turns out the last person to screw the victim was Judge Monte Watkins.Cory Batey knows what counts is:  Football.  Football counts big.

Seems Judge Monte Watkins is a fan of Vanderbilt and football.

Vanderbilt University’s gifted football player, with adjudicated past anger and alcohol issues, was looked up kindly by Judge Monte Watkins, after raping and urinating on the unconscious, gang-raped student.

Mughshot - Cory BateyJudge Watkins sentenced Cory Batey to the minimum prison sentence.  15 years. Again, I suppose we should be grateful Judge Watkins didn’t high-five him.

Having lost my lunch over this, I will waste no more time on the despicable Judge Monte Watkins.  Watkins can do his phony, judicial hand-wring somewhere else.

Here’s the victim’s statement.

The woman has testified in court three times in the case. Now 24 and living out of state, the woman addressed the court Friday, her fourth time:

“Thank you.

“It’s hard for me to stand here on display and speak to you today about the impact this has had on my life. The thought of sharing any more of myself that hasn’t already been taken from me seems unbearable, and it goes against every instinct that I have.

“I was fearful of giving a victim impact statement at all because I know that after three years and everything that has happened, I can never do it justice, and I’m scared of that failure. It will never be possible for anyone to put into words how this has affected me. You will never understand what this has done to me if you aren’t standing in my shoes. The humiliation, the pain, the isolation, being reduced to nothing but a piece of flesh right before your eyes, it does something to you that is truly impossible to describe.

“I also know that it’s hard to encapsulate the impact this has had because it is still ongoing. The attack on me didn’t end that day because I relive it in every proceeding and experience additional attacks every time I am in court.

“When I let myself think of this I become so angry and feel so powerless, even today, that speaking coherently about it at all is a challenge.

“But, after what was done to me that night and three years of abuse at the hands of the defendant, I felt I had to come here and ask the court to consider the impact of his choices and his actions.

“On June 22nd of 2013, I was a happy, hard-working Vanderbilt student looking forward to my future. I was twenty-one years old. I’ve seen with my own eyes what I was when Mr. Batey was done with me: a piece of trash, face down in a hallway covered in his urine and palm prints.

“A photograph he took himself.

“There are no words to describe the horror of the images from that night and how it feels to watch yourself be dehumanized.

“A detective showed me some of those photos and videos that you and forty-two jurors have now seen so many times, and what I saw was image after image of my genitalia covering the entire frame on the screen. These stark, alien-looking fingers all over the flesh were moving from frame to frame, with multiple hands reaching in. Videos played, and I heard the laughing. I heard the degrading, taunting voices.

“My memory of the images I was shown then starts to flash in and out. The realization of all the different ways that they raped me, that people can see these close up pictures of my body, the unknown of what was done to me in those thirty minutes that wasn’t recorded — it was incomprehensible. I wanted to run away and never stop running.

“At one point I saw what I first thought was a dead woman’s face. I was suddenly overwhelmed by my memory of a family member’s corpse, and then I realized that it’s me. They had taken a picture of my face during the rape. I was lifeless and my face was covered in something shiny. I didn’t recognize myself.

“Something permanent snapped that day. I felt myself detach from my body. Now, I feel like I’m walking around in the shell of someone else. A part of me went numb, a sense of being a whole person with hopes and dreams about what’s possible in the world was now gone.

“I felt my belief that people are inherently good twist into some cruel joke in an instant. I even blamed myself for believing that people weren’t capable of something like this and that the world is a better place than it is, when the truth was that I did nothing wrong. No one should ever have to experience what I have. Mr. Batey is to blame for his actions and his choices.

“I was twenty-one years old when this happened. I’m twenty-four today. Since the horror of that night, all I have wanted is for this to be behind me, to be left alone and try to live my life in peace, but the process to get justice has been a never-ending, constant misery that has twisted itself so into my life that I can’t even remember what it was like in a time when this wasn’t happening. Everything the defendant has done in this case and the media circus surrounding it have been a continuous disruption repeatedly dragging me back every step I try to take forward. I can only feel that the defendant has intentionally wanted this to be as tortuous for me as possible.

“Part of the impact this has had and will continue to have on my life is the media scrutiny, invited by Mr. Batey’s own high-profile status and amplified by his own television interviews. What happened to me that night has been compounded by the live-streaming, tweeting, and international dissemination of every detail of how I was degraded and humiliated for all posterity. In this age of technology, anyone I ever meet in my personal or professional life can learn I am a rape victim and the details of the case before I’ve even fully introduced myself to them. There is no way for me to even know if any given person I interact with has done so. This is something I now have to expect for the rest of my life.

“It is also hard for me to push aside all of the attempts by the defendant to misrepresent himself and disparage my character, because I could stand here for hours talking about the impact of all the lies I’ve had to sit in this courtroom and listen to. I remember each and everyone of them, and every time it hurt me. It made me angry because I didn’t have a voice, and I couldn’t say anything. I shouldn’t even have to defend myself, and even if I could everything I share about myself here is repeated by the national media. It got so bad that for the last two trials I couldn’t even bear to sit in here and listen to it. Part of me does want to stand here for hours and hours and go through every single thing Mr. Batey has done throughout this case, but the truth is that the focus never should have been on me. I was unconscious. I was driven and carried to the crime scene. The defendant was a complete stranger.

“Again, the attack on me didn’t end that day because I relive it in every proceeding and am constantly experiencing additional attacks. The fact that I even had to breathe the same air as the men who did this to me ever again to me is unthinkable. But, I have endured all of this because the details of the rape are so horrific, and there is so much irrefutable evidence, I knew that they had to be stopped and held accountable.

“This is a serious violent crime, and it must receive the enhanced punishment it deserves. Any victim should know they would have justice if they went through the process.

“I am asking that Mr. Batey receive the maximum sentence of 25 years under the law to set the amount of time that he will not be able to do this to another victim, to deter others like him, and based on the particularly egregious nature of the rape itself. He did not commit just one act of violence against me.

“There were five acts of sexual assault and rape committed by him and him alone, and there were seven acts of violence he was found guilty of committing against me. But sexual assault was not where the attack ended. Mr. Batey continued to abuse and degrade me, urinating on my face while uttering horrific racial hate speech that suggested I deserved what he was doing to me because of the color of my skin. He didn’t even know who I was. I also ask for the maximum sentence of twenty-five years as is appropriate for the impact this has had and will continue to have on me every day for the rest of my life.”

(Editor’s note: There was mention in prior trials that Batey made a racial statement during the rape. Prosecutors argued to keep that statement from being used during trial and it was never revealed publicly.)”




About bonnie russell

It's not about’s always about people.
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29 Responses to Vanderbilt gang-rape sentencing: Add Judge Monte Watkins name to the top of the list of sentencing light, Judges.

  1. zimmerman says:

    what a surprise a black judge that gives breaks to Negros that attack white people. Their culture is disgusting and it reflects well on them.


    • Prior to this case Judge Watkins had a distinguished record on the bench.
      What makes this case so tragic, is the victim stayed the course, and showed up every time.
      Judge Watkins decided to toss his reputation. Batey had prior alcohol and anger issues…as well as being a con, in the making. Brandon was a sociopath of long-standing.


  2. 123 says:

    I wasn’t at all happy with the 15. /sarcasm

    In consultation with my African-American friends, my/our take on the judge/sentencing:
    1. “No harm, no foul.” The victim doesn’t remember anything and has gotten on very well with her life (e.g., finishing PhD in Neuroscience.)
    2. “Boys will be boys.” Judge’s age/generation.
    3. “Bros will be bros.” If it hadn’t been for the white boy this would never have happened.

    BV sentence:
    He will likely get more time.
    3. He had two+ victims: Batey (and the victim) plus all the other black guys whose lives he ruined.

    If BV gets 15:
    See 1 and 2 above.


  3. This judge is vermin.


  4. dglavin96 says:

    I forced myself to watch the video of the sentencing hearing yesterday. I’d hoped I’d see something that made sense of the minimum sentence, but I did not. I can’t for the life of me understand how Watkins could listen to the victim’s statement, hear the pain in her voice, look at the facts of this case, and then sentence Batey to the minimum.

    Listening to Batey’s statement, it was clearer than ever that he doesn’t accept responsibility. He talks about his “foolish” behavior. “Foolish” would be taking someone’s car for a joyride without permission. Gang rape is something else entirely. He talks about forgiveness for damages he “may” have caused. The word “may” says it all–he deserves the maximum sentence for that word alone. He doesn’t understand or care about what he’s done to the victim. When his mother kept saying “this is not my son,” I wanted to scream this IS your son!

    The only explanation I can come up with is that Watkins identified with Batey’s family and was driven by sympathy for them. I read about another case presided over by Watkins involving a black gang member charged with 1st degree murder. He shot a rival to death because he had a red bandana in his back pocket. Watkins reduced bail in that case to $75,000 after speaking with the defendant’s mother. Watkins is also a former defense attorney and “subscribing life member” of the NAACP.

    None of the preceding suggests that Watkins would have any sympathy for Vandenburg, but after Batey’s sentence, I’m going to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that I can’t stand the sight of Courtney Teasley. Hopefully her 15 minutes of fame are up.


    • Thanks for the extra information. The Victim in this case must be seething mad.
      In that Cory the Con – went from apologizing on the stand to “may have caused” well – that pretty much says it all.
      Hope the DA appeals sentencing as soon as possible. Maybe sooner.

      Also – am right there with you on Teasley. What a piece of work. If Teasley and Long are what passes for community standards in TN – God help them.


      • dglavin96 says:

        I forgot to mention Batey describing his actions as “unintentional” and sticking to the obvious lie that he didn’t remember anything.


    • Judge is a delusional, bleeding heart liberal


  5. He_gave_His_life_for_me says:

    I read some of your other comments with interest. I did think 15 years was a bit too lenient but I am going to offer you and your readers another perspective. I listened to what the Judge said, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt on some factors.

    Unlike you and me who pontificate from our chairs while sipping on koolaid(in my case) and your iced tea or whatever chills you in the heat of this summer, the judge stated that he sees all kinds of cases through his court. We are not privy to be able to weigh this case’s rank against his scale, which is formed from the thousands of cases he has seen as he stated. That’s my only defense of what he said that made some sense to me even though I am in your corner and feel that 15 years might be a bit too small.

    On another note though, I am ok with you showing your displeasure about the case. But, what is with the tainted vitriolic and snide remarks in the article? Do you suppose you help your argument by making subjective remarks about a Judge for which you might not fully agree with his decision?
    It’s almost always better to be objective and express disagreements in that manner.

    And I will even go further than this in stating the following, I am sorry to conjecture this but you most probably are the same type of mother who is happy that her son and daughter are growing up so fast physically that you’re enamored with their physical abilities while ignoring that they have just as much of a responsibility to have a nurtured emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. But that doesn’t seem to register with most parents. Everyone is so quick to blame and point fingers when a little empathy, a little guidance and disciplining would serve us in the long run rather than having an emotional outburst every time someone says or does something that we don’t agree with.
    It always amazes me that, Scriptures never ever fail:
    “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6
    “A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit” Proverbs 15:4


    • A. There is a difference between vitriol and tart. Might want to discover it.
      B. Am guessing you don’t have a legal background. I do. Both in a police department and defense attorney law firm perspective.
      C. I personally loathe those who cherry-pick biblical sayings supposedly as proof of their arguments.
      Those who do, often do in place of logic.
      S. Now that you’ve proved yourself to be one of those passive-aggressive types who put forth a baseless argument followed by – “I am sorry to conjecture this” when in truth, you employ such as a sly attack;
      here’s the kind of misogyny women deal with on a daily basis.
      Misogyny on a federal level.
      Misogyny on a State level.

      Your accusations are entirely misplaced.


    • 123 says:

      This has to be one of the oddest comments I’ve read in a really long time.


  6. Moms Hugs says:

    The victim is right about Batey, as well as Vandenberg, raping her all over again each & every time they drug her back to court & insisted they were “innocent” victims themselves. I sincerely hope HER victim statements go viral as the other one did. That is the only way people, especially men, will get the entire picture of the damage done to such victims.


  7. Moms Hugs says:

    You’re right about football links being all-powerful to men… not all, but most, including Watkins. It is a very violent game involving brute strength & violent mentality known to shape events well beyond stadiums.
    Bonnie, have you looked into whether California actually has jurisdiction to charge him – where he actually destroyed evidence?


    • Yes, but no. The Vandenburg facilitated gang-rape, is a special case due to
      1. The sheer, joyful brutality these guys and one coward, visited upon an unconscious woman
      2. The documentation they created;
      3. Their “not guilty” pleas
      4. The many trial this woman endured due to DAs well, blowing voir dire
      5. The tone-deaf, boneheaded, defense,
      6. Brandon getting arrested for battery in California – While. Out. On. Bail.
      7. Learning Cory Batey had prior, and Significant anger and alcohol problems.
      8. Brandon’s defense attorney Fletcher Long was disbarred, after his conviction of extortion
      9. But Long had another suspended attorney blogging about the trial (who, unlike me, was likely compensated for it.)
      10. But none of them counted on the dedication of the police, and the victim.
      11. Unfortunately, as the 3rd trial showed, charges were dropped with no explanation and scant reporting.
      12. The lead prosecutor is leaving. He won’t be going out appealing the demeaning, Judge Monte Watkins, who clearly considered Only the defense.
      13. Much was made of Robinson’s “choke-filled emotional pleas” – such as he had to rely on Emotion – having not one FACT on his side.
      14. But the case shows the DA gave away evidence it didn’t need to.


      • Moms Hugs says:

        Excellent run-down of case bloopers, Bonnie. Wishing it were different for this victim & all others – past, present & future – but I’m really too old to believe there’s a Santa Clause, Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy anyway.


      • Thanks. Several months agp I said this election would boil down to equality for women and misogyny. I just didn’t think it would be this Spectacular.


  8. christopher loman says:

    How could watkins disregard such a powerfull victim statement? SMH


    • Lots of decent men really don’t realize how often women are marginalized. They treat women well, and can’t imagine anyone not doing the same. In my mind, decent men need to be educated by women. Not you of course. You’ve been all over this in the right way since the beginning. But you’re rare. Extremely rare.


  9. christopher loman says:

    Raped again.


  10. dglavin96 says:

    I came across a series of webcasts from former Vandenburg attorney Fletcher Long with commentary on the Vandenburg retrial. Having been disbarred for unrelated incidents, Long doesn’t have to worry about attorney-client privilege. He was very candid in his assessment of Vandenburg and his family.

    According to Long, Vandenburg never acknowledged any wrongdoing and expected to be acquitted, with an apology from the court and his accusers. His sentencing prediction was 18 years for Batey and 23-24 years for Vandenburg. He was adamant that deals have been made with Banks and McKenzie and neither of them will ever be tried.

    I hope and pray he is correct in his prediction that Vandenburg will get more time than Batey.


    • The problem with Fletcher Long, is; he’s full of himself. Which is why he was convicted of extortion. His clients were his victims.
      Also, Fletcher Long can’t shut up. I don’t believe Vandendburg expected an apology. I do believe Fletcher Long continues to say anything that will create buzz.
      I think Vandenburg will get more than Batey because of the nature of his other charges. Designed to show how he tried so desperately, to cover his tracks.
      Last, I cheerfully, loathe them both.


      • dglavin96 says:

        I’ve read about Long and understand his character issues and it’s obvious that he loves the sound of his own voice. Not only was he convicted of felonies and disbarred for his dealings with a client, but he was accused of sexual harassment by female employees. Nevertheless, his take is unique because he worked on the case and his commentary is not tempered by attorney-client privilege. His view of Rod Vandenburg is consistent with yours–extremely arrogant, totally clueless, “comported himself like a total ass.” He talks about the Hawaiian shirt and tells another story of Rod putting his bare feet up on the railing in court.

        I hope you are right that Vandenburg will get more than Batey. I am still puzzled as to why Vandenburg wasn’t charged with tampering with evidence in the retrial.


  11. dglavin96 says:

    I’m surprised and disappointed. Based on my impression of Watkins, I thought he would go higher than the minimum. I’m thankful that the Tennessee legislature takes these crimes seriously. Unlike the Turner case, the judge here had no discretion to go below the minimum and Batey will serve every day of his 15 year sentence.

    The thought of Vandenburg getting the minimum makes me sick. Anything less than 20 years for him would be a travesty.


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