San Diego’s Judge Lisa Schall puts women at risk

The twice disciplined Judge Lisa Schall

Although San Diego media is widely reporting the arrest of five, long-time veteran San Diego police officers for sexual assault charges ranging from sexual battery to rape; not reported is the background of Judge Lisa Schall’s refusal to issue a permanent restraining order on behalf of thirteen year female San Diego Police officer against her former lover, Sgt. Ken Davis, a 23 year veteran of the San Diego Police Department, who didn’t take the break-up well and threatened  to kill her.

Another wrinkle

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled police officers are not mandated to enforce restraining orders.

San Diego police made arrangements for the female officer to hide out in a safe house.  The question is, why should she have to hide?

Background of Judge Lisa Schall

Media did not report that Judge Lisa Schall has been twice disciplined by the California Commission on Judicial Performance.  Once for inappropriately jailing a woman for five days, and once for driving the wrong way on a freeway, after her DUI arrest.

What seems clear is Judge Schall is at best, unfamiliar with Battered Women’s Syndrome.  This general lack of awareness remains a top-down kind of problem.  Former governor Gray Davis likewise was also uneducated in this area so it wasn’t until Arnold Schwarzengger was voted in in a recall of Davis that BWS was successfully used by defense attorneys in parole matters.

What remains unclear is whether Judge Lisa Schall and other judges likewise unaware will choose to educate themselves to the reality of Battered Women’s Syndrome.


Until such time however, attorneys for women, including the female officer should request GPS with Victim Notification.  As long as family court judges continue putting woman at risk, real-time monitoring GPS with victim notification is their only recourse.  Unfortunately, the City of San Diego shows zero interest in protecting half the population.

About bonnie russell

It's not about’s always about people.
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