Debuting November 9, 2016: Trump TV! A media network all his own

Hollywood signWondering why all media seems to have their collective heads in…

the sand?  

Thank media, and hang on.  It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

First:  Sexism. As in, sexism is embedded in media.  Ask Roger Ailes.   Sexism remains the toned-down, cocktail party phrase for Misogyny.  

Second:   To-the-bone, misogyny is embedded in American DNA, including the systemic denial of rights for women.  This includes the right to police protection.

Sidebar!  Turns out,  women pay taxes for police services, the police refuse to provide.  (The courts are much the same, as Judge Thomas Estes and Judge Aaron Persky recently demonstrated.)

But guess who realized this could be a business opportunity.

Yep.  Noted misogynist Donald Trump, who recognized a great, post-election loss, business opportunity!  Sooooo,

TRUMP MEDIA!  Debuting soon —!

It’s obvious.  Trump has reason to believe no matter what he says, the worst America has to offer, will support him.

This includes older, tired Republicans. Trump knows he’s free to continue being as nasty as possible while keeping the voting public, remarkably clueless about his personal and business backgrounds.

Including, when Trump calls his ardent fans, dumb.  I guess since few background checked Trump’s real beliefs, they are.

Trump - Republicans are dumb

But, I digress.

Trump TV!  The newest Media Channel

Trump began laying the ground-work, last month

Trump can read polls.  He knows he’s not in the dumpster, but a whole, dumpster on fire.  But Trump also knows there is scant journalism, and better; that media has the attention span of a butterfly; so…perfect!  Time to swoop!

In order to paint himself as a noble American, last month, Trump began raging elections are “rigged.”  Trumps fans took up the cry — and media followed, rather than address Trump as the draft dodging, tax cheat with a sketchy medical background, he is.

(Addressing the reality of Trump involves work.  Unfortunately, Media prefers snazzy sets over actual, investigative journalism.)

Thus, Trump was free to begin laying the ground work for a new Trump TV Media, business model, raining all things Trump, 24/7. 

To be fair, Trump kinda had to, given the Trump business model of licensing his name is failing…to the surprise of no one.  Turns out,  women who can afford to stay in some of Trump’s over-priced hotels, don’t want to!

But as there’s plenty of idiots who watch TV, Trump figured Trump TV Media could save him.

Trump Media

Why wouldn’t Trump create Trump Media?

After all media sat for six months watching Trump say anything he wanted, then (bonus!) these same hire-priced “talent” drones, turned to their colleagues, exclaiming,

“I can’t believe he said that!”

but continued to sit…not vetting him…of course Trump realized if he could create a media circus simply by opening his mouth; and profits for networks, he could do it for himself.   After all, even CBS President, Les Moonves said,

“Trump might not be good for America; but he makes great TV!”

So, why wouldn’t he?

The Fairness Doctrine – a relic from the past

Might our do-nothing Congress insist on a return of the Fairness Doctrine, for the sake of sanity, and the Fourth Estate?  Perhaps President Clinton could add that to her “To Do” list.

As Trump watches TV like a real junkie, he likely realized how to get away with piping hot misogyny, for profit.  Consider the historical background.

Exhibit A

First Example: On March 4, 2015, CBS This Morning, using almost women entirely, slyly revealed the depth of misogyny in media. Am betting Trump saw the piece and realized he could pretty much do and say, anything…and, has.

Second Example:  On August August 26, 2016: CBS This Morning did it again, in their sly interview with Joshua Green.  Not mentioned by Joshua Green in the piece?

Steve Bannon‘s DV charge.  Not mentioned by a single CBS, “anchor” in the piece?  Steve Bannon’s DV charge.  See how it works?

What’s it gonna take CBS This Morning, to get to the meat of the matter and practice real journalism?  How about the Fairness Doctrine!

However, it wasn’t until noted reptilian and Donald Trump suck up, Roger Stone, (Full Disclosure: Stone blocked me on Twitter) had a discussion regarding possible genitalia mutiliaton of Huma Abedin, with none other than, frothing-at-the-mouth, Alex Jones, on August 23, 2016,

Roger Stone - Alex Jones

and the rest of lame duck media, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNC — shrugged, that  Trump new his idea was a winner.  

What the hey.

After all, if nothing happened after the American Nazi Party endorsed Trump, the sky’s the limit!

And lets not forget the Klan supports Trump too.  After all, Trump might be able to get the support of every hate-group and American born, home-grown, terrorist-in-the-making!

KKK wizards on TV

Yes, this KKK endorsement from the Rebel Brigade of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan.

Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 11.16.45 AM

Means Trump TV Media will out-Breitbart, Brietbart.  Trump TV Media will make FOX look like child’s play.  Trump TV Media will out-sludge, Drudge.  Trump TV media will feature pretty, vacuous women, who will bring stupid to a new low.

It’ll be wildly popular.

Duck Dynasty Commander may move from A&E to the Trump TV Media Channel.

This began when, “I’ll release my taxes when the audits are over” became, no release…and no MSM comment, while — Hillary released 28 years of taxes….but MSM remains focused on emails. 

So when Trump recognized journalism is scant, and correctly guessed media is in its present state, is ripe for profitable exploitation:  Folks, he’s all over it.

Trump’s latest, post-election plan is right out of the Rupert Murdoch playbook.

Let’s hope the FCC remembers this all began when the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated

About bonnie russell

It's not about’s always about people.
This entry was posted in ABC, American Nazi Party, Breitbart, CBS, CNN, Democratic Party, Election 2016, FOX, FOX News, Government, Hillary Clinton, Hollywood, Journalism, Media, misogyny, MSNBC, NBC, PBS, Politics, Republican Party, Trump Media and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Debuting November 9, 2016: Trump TV! A media network all his own

  1. Eva Cram says:

    Yep, no doubt about it. He doesn’t & never did want to BE President, which requires that he actually read a nightly briefing notebook. Plus he already has enough material for a season’s worth of “The Candidate” episodes, with him as the STAR of the show… something else his ego demands of him. I suspect he’s wanted this gig since salivating over having a cameo role in the “West Wing” show after watching the “Manchurian Candidate” movie. Now that donations are rolling in, he can recoup his “personal funds” by doubling & tripling his campaign HQ office rent in Trump Towers. Anyone who has paid attention will quickly figure out he’s just doing what comes naturally for him ~ lying to get anyone else to pay his way. The entire first season will have been paid for by his future TV audiences ~ in advance. The “art of Donnie’s dealing” is right out there for everyone to see ~ like the emporor with no clothes, or even better, evidence in plain sight. Ciao!


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