Good news raped college ladies – two men stopped an in-progress rape

Good news ladies: – decent men are close by.  It’s true!

On January 18, 2015, Peter Jonsson and Carl Arndt, two Stanford University post-graduate students, were biking near the campus around 1:00am when they noticed Brock Turner in the middle of his open-air rape, upon the body of a non-responsive woman.

Captured Brock Turner: Carl Fredrik and Peter Jonsson

Captured Brock Turner: Carl Fredrik and Peter Jonsson

One of men yelled an expletive.  Then added,

“She’s UNCONSCIOUS man!”

Peter and Carl immediately dropped their bikes, gave chase, caught Turner, and held him down while a third responder called police.

Otherwise known as “Team work!”

Brock Turner - convicted of rape - sex offender

Brock Turner has big career plans – believes himself to be immune from accountability.

Brock Turner was arrested right after the police showed up.  The women was transported to the hospital.  (Scroll to the text in red for the surprise twist connection – still largely, unreported.)  But first….here’s Dan A. Turner, in a letter to the court complaining.

DanTurner-Rape defender

The outrage (from Brock) was swift. A Facebook Page titled:  Brock Turner for 2016 Olympics was created. Because, just as the Vanderbilt gang-rapists demonstrated:  Women have no business interfering with career goals.  Period.  Hence the Facebook page.

Brock Turner - Arrogant sex offender

Brock Turner – Arrogant as ever

As for crimes athletes commit?  Just something for the lawyers to handle.

Guys like Stanford’s Brock Turner, or Vanderbilt’s Cory Batey, Brandon Vandenburg and the other Vanderbilt defendants; scheduled bro-team meetings to work out the details and then planned on going to “practice” and their lives.  As Cory Batey testified,

“We formulated a story.”

A seldom addressed reality

What’s critically important for victims to recognize is exactly None of the crimes committed against them, in circumstances like this; is really about them.  Oh, it happened to them, for sure. 

Gillette House

But not only are women not considered human beings to guys like Brock Turner, Corey Batey, Brandon Vandenburg, as well as the other Vanderbilt defendants, Mack Prioleau, and their friends:

They are largely i-n-v-i-s-i-b-l-e to to the guys they thought were friends, guys who it turns out; are wholly, character-free.

It’s always, always, all ways about self-absorbed males and their game.  Or, in Brock Turner’s case, swim meet; as athletes continue stepping up, rung after rung, the ladder of their imagined career.

Brock Turner - FOCUS on career

No matter the university – the mindset is the same.

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Mack Prioleau

Best proof of this mindset is, however, none other than Texas’ Mack Prioleau….then Vanderbilt student

As the sole, sober person in Gillette House the night of Vanderbilt’s sport-bro, gang-rape, Mack Prioleau heard the 32 minute assault and did…nothing.  Well, almost nothing.  

Prioleau peeked open an eye open for a second, saw what was happening; and then rolled over, turning his back to the victim.  Mack Prioleau continued pretending to sleep through a gang rape.

Stone cold sober.  So we have Mack Prioleau to thank for demonstrating women can’t get any more invisible.  Because, career!  Need more proof from Mack?  Got it!

Vandenburg - Mack Prioleau - pretended to be asleep

Vamderbilt Footbal team member, Mack Prioleau

At the first trial a year and a half later, Mack Prioleau testified he was still not sure he would do anything differently.  He said he was scared. Because, career!  What’s Mack doing these days?

Mack’s got Daddy money…so not a whole lot. Here’s Mack Prioleau’s personal website.    Here’s Mack’s travel website.

In a slide presentation Mack also worries about football players getting concussions.  Ain’t he grand?

Thanking Brock Turner

But I especially want to thank Brock for his colossal hubris. How lucky can a woman like me get?!  Below are a few absolutely killer pictorial examples of the kind of star entitlement that is wildly infectious among athletes who have been encouraged by university officials to believe they are entitled to treat women as disposable.  

(In fairness, university campuses mirror real life as the 1,600 women murdered in 2015, could attest if they weren’t, you know; dead.)

Yes, our national rape culture, was groomed by University administrators always on the lookout for wealthy sponsors who enjoy the game enough to donate new stadium skyboxes and such.  Ergo, Brock’s fan page is merely the a normal reaction to the culture of disdain-to-outright-misogyny.  I remain thankful this sick reality was made visible.

From Brock’s Facebook fan page

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Brock Turner - Bail is no problem

Brock Turner – Bail is no problem bro!

In Brock’s case as is true with all athletes, (not regular students); when problems arise, university administrators scramble to criminal defense attorneys to make the problem go away.  Stanford likely recommended Mike Armstrong, who has close ties to Stanford, be hired. He was; and Brock Turner belatedly learned what past clients of Armstrong learned.

Mediocre deal maker; really bad at trial.  But hey, he went to Stanford!


I don’t expect the Santa Clara DA to be on top of their game for Brock’s Fan Page.  It’s Santa Clara. They have problems, people! The Santa Clara DA’s office has huge Prosecutorial misconduct, problems.  Especially where women are concerned.  

Brook Turner - More arrogance

The post-rape arrogance of Brock Turner 

Update:  Turns out Brock Turner scored with the rapist-friendly, Judge Aaron Persky!

Turns out – the bro code continues to the bench!

Persky  worried, out loud – about the impact jail would have on the criminal, not the victim.  Please remember Persky and his slap-in-the-face, ruling during an election year.

Sentencing judge, Michael Aaron Persky is a Stanford graduate.

Two things parents and students should know.

  1. Before registering any child for college, review the MOU between campus police and city or county police…who like to punt work over to the very less qualified.  
  2. Use other means to check the campus crime rate.
  3. Know that when universities tout their All-star athletes, the “A” stands for arrogance.  

Example for 3:  While Brandon Vandenburg was referred to as the “Puppet Master” during Cory Batey’s trial, one must wonder why dense attorneys used the phrase since Vandenburg proved to be the dumbest of all Vanderbilt defendants.

Towit:  Vandenburg managed to almost immediately pick up another assault charge while out on bail, after returning to California!  

Changing reality:  Women who won’t be disposable

Cory Batey – Brock Turner, Brandon Vanderbilt and a host of other men who think they can browbeat women into not demanding their crimes be addressed with sneering hate campaigns.

Brock Turner fans are voting for Trump

Brock Turner was convicted.  He is  facing 10 years in prison and will have to register as a sex offender.

It should be noted after Turner was found guilty, Brock’s mother, unwilling to admit to a parental FAIL:  wailed, then stomped her foot.

Cory Batey’s sentencing is May 20th. Brock Turner’s sentencing is scheduled for June 2.

Brock Turner,  Cory Batey – two men whose only thought was for their careers – are not unusual.  

Stanford University has been wildly criticized for their flaccid response to campus sexual assault. Between 1997 and 2009, exactly four of 175 reported sexual assaults were formally adjudicated at Stanford.  Four. Two of the four attackers were held responsible, according to a report provided by Stanford Law Professor, Michele Landis Dauber. Although Dauber didn’t say what happened after the attackers were deemed “responsible.”

Rape Culture  – yes.  But it’s ending.

Baylor University – the nationally ranked Christian university, has a very large, sexual assault problem.   It also seems Baylor has little interest in the investigating charges. 

Readers might benefit from knowing Baylor’s “counseling department” massively sucks, also.

Baylor - rape - Football player

But given the Dallas Morning News is all over Baylor, am thinking Baylor’s painful refusal to deal with their earned reputation – will finally mean less corporate dollars for this Christian ranked university.

Although Brock Turner’s verdict came on the heels of  U.S. campuses across the nation drawing some federal attention, am not sure why.  It’s not as if misogyny and disdain for women isn’t embedded at the Congressional level, as featured, below.  It’s really true:   every picture tells a story.

Women testifying about rape in military to a packed – empty house.

Testifying to empty house

At one point, the Office for Civil Rights had 90 college investigations nationwide.

Imagine the ones they missed.

Help for Parents and students alike

Last, when checking the “Best Valued” campuses in America, be sure to independently, check out Univeristy sexual assault cases. Some examples of Litigation involving sexual assaults in American schools, can be found, here.

Also, please feel free to check a list of America’s most dangerous colleges and universities from 2010.

By now parents should be looking at their middle-schools as by high school, girls should know sports breeds an air of, “let the good times roll” invincibility.

Middle-school girl know are just beginning to sense school administrators have long looked the other way for various reasons. However, that roll is slowing. Likely due to lawsuits.

Everyone recognizes the power of money.  If a lawsuit is the only thing that provokes change:  Game on!  School administrators set the table; lawsuits will clear the table.  

If it’s of any help to anyone considering a lawsuit, I recommend no settlement, confidential or otherwise unless and until, it includes a career-ending job loss for any high-ranking administrator who knew, but did not act.  Otherwise the problem continues.

Quick, professional tip:  Ask if the school has a bullying policy.  (It’s a trick question:  Every school has one.)  Reality arrives with the answer to the Second question.

Ask how many times it’s been enforced.

I recommend for women attacked consider fiing suit now, so by the time their unborn daughters arrive, those young women can enjoy real equality, instead of the stocked photographs of happy students all, featured in school brochures.

About bonnie russell

It's not about’s always about people.
This entry was posted in Civil Rights, date rape, Journalism, Law, Law Enforcement, misogyny, Nashville Judges, Rape, Stanford University, Vanderbilt University Sex crimes and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Good news raped college ladies – two men stopped an in-progress rape

  1. Charles says:

    I am a 49 years old man, and I was raped several times when I was a kid. All my life has been a constant struggle. Rapists deserve a long prison sentence, in the hope that anyone thinking of sexual assault think twice before committing their act. This brock deserves a long prison sentence and his parents should be fined for insulting the very notion of justice. I have no words for these awful people, and all my deep sympathy, respect and understanding go to the Victim, whose words I admire.


  2. The thing I don’t get is that if you’re now a convicted felon then by definition you are a threat to society so why was he allowed to go free on bail while awaiting sentencing?


  3. Cheryl Maxham says:

    Great article! Since this occurred at Stanford, we have heard a lot about it.


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