Barney Fraaken: The self-radicalized, domestic terrorist, who posted loving Facebook comments about his family before killing them.

Right-wing domestic terrorists who identify as patriotic Americans, are often protected by media.

Exhibit A:   The self-radicalized, Barney Fraaken; whose Facebook posts reveal in part, how self-deluding radicals will blame others, before deciding to kill their family.  As such, meet Barney Fraaken: Domestic terrorist.

Barney Fraaken on Veterans protecting school children

Barney Fraaken posted that Veterans should be hired to protect school kids.

From the Des Moines Register: “Barney Fraaken, 47, is being treated for self-inflicted injuries at a Des Moines hospital, according to a news release from Des Moines police. He is accused of killing his wife, 42-year-old Amy Fraaken, and their daughter, 16-year-old Amber Fraaken, Sunday at their home in the 4200 block of Hull Avenue.”

Barney Fraaken posted of his love for his wife and daughter.  Also his self-radicalization.

Barney Fraaken - I miss my wife and lovely daughter

Barney Fraaken – I miss my wife and lovely daughter

That Barney Fraaken became a domestic terrorist is not the question.  That men who kill their families represent America’s screwed up version of reality when it comes to the kind of domestic terrorism, media largely ignores; births many questions.

People forget the rampaging DC Sniper – whose 27 shootings and 17 murders put the nation on edge, began in Tacoma, Washington, after a failed child custody case.

And when you think Tacoma, think David Brame. Tacoma’s wife-killing, police chief.

And when you think of David Brame, think how media doesn’t cover why men killing their families lies in part due to city officials; think next to the City of Salinas, where Ray Corpuz, who could have acted to protect Crystald Brame, was next hired as City Manager.

Media doesn’t cover that.

No coverage; no change.  Barney Fraaken’s series of Facebook posts reveal unfettered self-delusion, to the max.  Weighing in between God, Islam, and love of family, Fraaken posted the below days before killing his wife Amy, and daughter Amber.

Barney Fraaken - Gun hypocriteThis is why Americans must practice vigilance when media chooses to define  “domestic terrorism” as the phrase right-wing political groups continually attempt to hijack, then push for political gain in their fearful, “not in my back yard” (NIMBY) anti-immigrant, goals.

Vigilance is necessary given media seems a willing co-partner with the definition, while ignoring the vast numbers of home grown domestic terrorists who feel entitled to kill their family.  Media doesn’t recognize men like Barney Fraaken, who as the family executioner, staged his own personal jihad.

But media will wrongly, and continually, refer to family assassinations in squishy meaningless terms, such as:  “domestic violence.”  And those squish men, often pose as patriotic, “love the Second Amendment”  types.  Which is why the below was on Barney Fraaken’s Facebook page.

Barney Fraaken - on Guns and defending our children

Barney Fraaken – on Guns and defending our children

Can we Break Denial

Reporters need only glance at Barney Fraaken’s Facebook postings to discover a treasure trove of delusion and self-radicalization.  American values, run amok.

Hint: There’s no such thing as, “domestic violence.”

Also, readers would benefit from remembering American doesn’t suffer from a shortage of home-grown terrorists.  Or that some terrorists work in law enforcement.   Domestic terrorists with badges represent what’s known as, “Threat Multipliers” for women trying to escape the domestic terrorist at home.

This is necessary as media seldom covers government’s systemic bias against women. So the causal factors remain out-of-sight, but in plain view.

Reporters might want to address the kind of systemic bias that dictates women must call the police for help, when police officers have a 40% higher rate of  “domestic violence” than other occupations.  Making women call the police to report family related assaults and attempted murders is insane – yet unreported. More details here.

(Eventually women might realize it’s city mayors and council members who refuse to hold local police chiefs accountable, who are responsible for continuing family murders. What might end it?  When women run for office, themselves.)

Meanwhile, women who pay taxes for police and court services, who are routinely refused those services, are dealing with another “threat multiplier” that continues to put them at risk.

Other threat multipliers?  District Attorneys who “decline” a case, or who charge, then negotiate to lesser charges.

Media phones it in when covering family murders

The scene is repeated, daily.  After a family murder, a reporter stands in front of the crime scene.  Sometimes neighbors are quoted saying, “He was such a nice guy.”  Ending on a high note, often reporters will mention a “Go Fund Me” page to help with funeral costs.

But the basics, why family murders continue?  Nope.  Not examined.  Including when the cost-effective, high-tech solution, to end family murders, is available.  This lack of media curiosity regarding solutions to family murders, also happens nationally.  Daily.

However, media’s complete lack of curiosity also renders media a, threat multiplier.  Reporters referring to murders as “Domestic Violence” and not “assault, attempted murder, and murder” is another threat multiplier.  All out-of-reporting view, while in plain sight.

Men who feel entitled to kill their family is a decades long dynamic. Consider John Lizt, the failed New Jersey accountant and sometime Sunday School teacher, (who was stealing from his wife’s accounts).  Media only reported the crime.  Media never investigated the sense of entitlement in these family murders.  Reporters simply reported Lizt felt entitled to kill all five members of his family because the world was getting to be “too evil”

without question.

The degree Barney Fraaken deluded himself and others is apparent from his Facebook postings, and likely something psychologists will debate at his trial.

Barney Fraaken - %22My daughter holds my heart%22 - November 21, 2015

Barney Fraaken – “My daughter holds my heart” – November 21, 2015

From the mind of a domestic terrorist.  Who killed his daughter the next day.

Barney Fraaken - Best thing you could do as a father - November 18, 2015

Barney Fraaken – Best thing you could do as a father – November 18, 2015

Below is another example how a self-radicalizing blow-hard, will eventually practice domestic terrorism.

The first time “domestic terrorism” was used in media was a 1999 quote from Marna Tucker, a family law attorney in Washington DC.

Tucker was describing what it was like to live under the thumb of a domestic terrorist; 24/7.

Barney Fraaken - a real terrorist - talking about Islam - November 21, 2015

What’s the creepiest part of Fraaken’s post, below?

Barney Fraaken - "Well, I'm single" - November 19, 2015

Barney Fraaken – Well, I’m single” – November 19, 2015

Barney Fraaken - hanging out with Amber on November 17 2015 (2)

That Amber Fraaken and her mother, Amy, did not live three days after Barney Fraaken’s announcement.

The rest of Barney’s Facebook account is littered with self-pitying posts.  Posts about trusting God, and his “unconventional” love for his wife.  Who didn’t want him around.

Then when reality hit, Barney Fraaken decided if he was rejected, he was entitled to take out his family.  And did.   So the question becomes:  When will mainstream media call this domestic terrorism for what it is?

Readers can help by calling out reporters who identify family murders as, “domestic violence.”  Because until the language is accurate the story lacks accuracy and nothing will change.

Insist reporters identify crimes, accurately.  It’s assault, attempted murder, and murder. It’s domestic terrorism.  Often the terrorist is armed-to-the-teeth, and sitting across the dinner table.

But accuracy in a murder story is the very least a reporter can do for someone who can no longer speak.

These monsters should be identified by who they are; and what they did.  They are domestic terrorists.

Refugees fleeing mass slaughter, are a whole ‘nother matter.

About bonnie russell

It's not about’s always about people.
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8 Responses to Barney Fraaken: The self-radicalized, domestic terrorist, who posted loving Facebook comments about his family before killing them.

  1. reinna fraaken Waseskuk says:

    I too am super pissed off. He was my cousin and his wife and daughter were so kindhearted. I don’t think he is going to get what he deserves because they will keep him protected from here on out. He is pure evil. His wife and I just bece friends previously and boy she was a hoot. I’m sure she used the laughter she brought to others as a cover of the hell he caused her and let’s be honest his Mom. His mom lost a lot she adored Amber aka aj and now she is alone with all of this. I hope you can find it in you Greg to fill your life trying to make a difference. I am sorry. I know those are only words but it broke my heart that day. Please know his sisters mom and cousins are behind you 100%


  2. Greg lane says:

    My name is greg lane
    The two victims where my mother and sister
    On my behalf of my relationship with him
    I can put this out there that he wasnt a very good person to his family
    Downgradeing and just a straight asshole
    This man took my childhood from me and probably the rest of my life.
    He controlled,verbally abused my mom and sister and myself.
    Not to mention cheated on my mom over there marriage of 15 years
    To be honest i hope he gets what deserves in the end


    • Dear Greg,

      Thank you for reaching out. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Sadly, media generally doesn’t cover family murders appropriately. Which is in part, why they continue. (Sometime I recently mentioned to a paralegal class I was lecturing at the request of the one attorney who has just completed a para-legal’s textbook, that includes the solution to family assaults, to murder.


    • reinna fraaken Waseskuk says:

      I too am super pissed off. He was my cousin and his wife and daughter were so kindhearted. I don’t think he is going to get what he deserves because they will keep him protected from here on out. He is pure evil. His wife and I just bece friends previously and boy she was a hoot. I’m sure she used the laughter she brought to others as a cover of the hell he caused her and let’s be honest his Mom. His mom lost a lot she adored Amber aka aj and now she is alone with all of this. I hope you can find it in you Greg to fill your life trying to make a difference. I am sorry. I know those are only words but it broke my heart that day. Please know his sisters mom and cousins are behind you 100%


  3. Tommy says:

    We all was so very shocked n devestated to hear or see all of this is so very true but something is missing why would he post it on facebook n just started to kill his own family im his cousin he was give to give by his step dad which is my uncle art has had spoiled him n when i was so younger he was so mean to me n picked on me like he’s an big bully n sorry to say this he’s so insane to kill his own family what if it was all turned around he killed his brothers or who ever is in his way he’s so very out of controled it be best for him to be in an crazy padded cell for rest of his life


  4. Moms Hugs says:

    Good post, Bonnie. One that needs to be shared with every newsroom (& city hall administrators) across the country. Unfortunately, it’s not always a case of marital trouble. People can be good at hiding their deepest, darkest fears until it’s too late. You might want to google “Dale Burr of Lone Tree, Iowa” who was a very distraught Iowa farmer, overwhelmed by huge debt to the bank, that killed his wife before killing a neighbor & the bank president in the mid-1980’s (or look up “Lone Tree” by Bruce Brown).


  5. Hi Bonnie: I’m the reporter who wrote that story on Barney Fraaken. Are you a family relation? If so, we’d like to talk to you. Call me at (515) 229-8589 or email me at -MacKenzie Elmer, The Register


  6. mcbrainder says:

    I was reading his Facebook page earlier too and couldn’t help but notice how everything he’d posted for days upon days completely contradicted his actions. He wore his religion and personal beliefs so outwardly that whenever I see a similar page, I’ll consider it BS. Barney talked a lot about his love for his family and I even noticed one of his friends say “That’s cause you’re a great guy.” No one would do what he did if all the nonsense he’d posted had even a fraction of truth.


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