Donald Trump’s super racist fans are ready for Super Tuesday!


Trump: The New Mouth of the South

Donald Trump’s racist fans are ready for Super Tuesday!  


The farther South Donald Trump travels, the more racists are out, loud, and proud.  

Possibly due to the once Grand Wizard of the the Klu Klux Klan, David Duke, telling his radio show listeners to get out and support Rump.  Trump.

But make no mistake, this has been happening for a long time.  See Tweet from Nevada Senator Aaron D. Ford 


Enter the star-struckers

Joe Scarborough - Mica

Trump’s star-struckers; Joe Scarborough and sidekick, Mica

To advance the Trump candidacy, both GOP and media, largely have — ignored it.

Including the worst example, NBC‘s Scary Joe Scarborough, and his sidekick and perpetual seat warmer, Mica Brzezinski who reportedly accompanied Trump on the campaign trail in a way that even made other reporters wary.

Meanwhile, the KKK numbers grew louder, and more bold as mainstream media seemed determined to Support Trump.  Joe Scarborough traveled to Florida and ignored the Klan.

  • Michael Hill, head of the League of the South, an Alabama-based white supremacist secessionist group, said Trump was “good” for the white racist cause. “I love to see somebody like Donald Trump come along,” Hill said. “Not that I believe anything that he says. But he is stirring up chaos in the GOP, and for us that is good.” Osnos attended a speech Hill gave to a crowd of cheering followers in which he railed against the “cultural genocide” of white Americans, which he said was “merely a prelude to physical genocide.”
  • Brad Griffin, a member of Hill’s League of the South and author of the popular white supremacist blog Hunter Wallace, has written that his esteem for Trump is “soaring,” and has lauded the candidate for his “hostile takeover of the Republican Party.”

Amazingly, David Duke earlier said he admired Trump’s racism, before adding Trump talked too much.  Seriously.  David Duke said that!

Only today, did Joe come to his senses.  Somewhat.  Jo wasn’t concerned about racism itself.  What bothered Joe, a former Congressman, was that it wouldn’t buy Trump new votes.

Joe Scarborough - Trump Votes

The Bottom line is: America has always been a nation of happy racist and misogynists.

Change does not come easy with for CEO’s who earned a great deal off the backs of those they’ve oppressed.  But in that GOP now owns most of media;

Trump is what you get when a hyped mostly GOP media replaces journalism.


Lastly, and finally – good news.  The pros haven’t said much about Trump.  Although I suspect, they’re likely remembering “Bella.”


and thus, waiting for Super Tuesday to be over,


Before “Get to work Wednesday.”







About bonnie russell

It's not about’s always about people.
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