Brandon Vandenburg Vanderbilt Retrial – The victim testifies

Update:  Totally Guilty

Also, the Reading of the Verdict.  (Personally, I think the jury was disgusted Brandon painted himself as a victim.)

The Victim testifies.  The Victim soon learns her protector – is post-crime, conducting himself as a victim.  The Victim is confused.  This follows:

Brandon Vandenburg blames victim - he wants to cry

A little background on the Vanderbilt’s football players gang-rape, retrial.  As near as anyone can tell, Brandon Vandenburg, three weeks into pursuing his dream career in the NFL via Vanderbilt University, decided to look for a bonding moment with his teammates.

Vandenburg decided a “sports-bro” gang-rape was just the Ticket!

How could Brandon decide such a thing? 

Family Background:

A little Vandenburg background may explain Brandon Vandenburg’s flat-affect in court.  I was recently contacted by a long-time friend of the family.

Will dig further but so am been told:  No One likes the father, Rod. No one.

Vandenburg - Rod Vandendburg and son Brandon

Was told Rod’s former male friends were uncomfortable over how routinely Rod treats women poorly.  That Rod has in his past, an assault charge involving his ex-wife.

Was also informed the Vandenburg’s daughter has specific medical issues, and Rod demeans her for them.  As for the the twins, who by all accounts, are nice, except that they adore their older brother; have eyesight issues.  (No pun.)  But they have never seen their brother, clearly.  Was informed they have more than an inkling about their father.

A quote from Rod:  “That’s right, his Daddy…taught him some good old fashion “Sourthern Charm” works every time.”

Rod Vandenburg - more creepy musings about Brandon's date night

Rod, according to a family friend, was banking on Brandon going to the NFL in part because Brandon’s success would be Rod’s money ticket, as well as an invitation to further abuse women who like football players.  Will flush out more specifics and details should others cooperate.

So the family background explains Brandon’s flat-affect in court.  The Victim is not human to him.

Vandenburg Retrial- Gang Rapist facilitator-blank affect

I admit to being puzzled when listening to call-in shows with both anchors and the public saying, “The Victim was treated like garbage.”  I know how I treat garbage; and it’s at arm’s length.  I barely touch garbage.

However, the Victim was not treated like garbage.  She treated as a sex toy.  An unconscious, uncommunicative, real-life, but knocked out, sex toy.  She was treated as non-human with a pulse.  Her bruises demonstrated that.  The testimony revealed Brandon assured everyone she would not wake up, so it was okay to slap her and insert objects in her body, sit naked on her face, and other things.

But yesterday we learned just how scuzzy Brandon acted after facilitating the gang-rape.  We learned from the Victim, that she had been told by Vandenburg that she had been violently ill and throwing up.

We learned from the Victim that Brandon offered himself up as the white knight who cleaned her up afterward…and took care of her.  We also learned the reality was Vandenburg was taking videos of the Victim and forwarding them to his friends in California from the get.  As in before-during-and, afterward.

Vandenburg Retrial - Victim ends testimony Vandenburg Retrial - Victim wants to comfort Brandon Vandenburg Retrial- Brandon looks away from victim


Miles Finley - lakeAnd we already knew that

<— Miles Finley, one of the people on the receiving end of Brandon’s texts, urged more crimes be committed upon the unconscious body of the Victim, in a very crude way.

Such is Brandon’s family background.

I won’t get into how Brandon’s father treats his sister.

However when the police first told the Victim she was raped, the Victim had trouble believing the police.  We didn’t learn why until later.

From the Victim 


We learned soon afterward Brandon began complaining to the Victim it was all her fault.  

We learned Brandon Vandenburg complained to the Victim he was Never going to help anyone ever again…and then he spontaneously had sex with her — knowing she hadn’t been to the police yet…and consensual sex would make a rape kit – moot.

Vandenburg Retrial - the family is there

Keep in mind, this is the third time the Victim has returned to testify.

Vandenburg Retria - Victime finishes testifying

We also learned Vandenburg assured his teammates that they could slap the Victim because she wouldn’t wake up.  This speaks to a date rape drug but unlike the first trial, this time the Judge won’t allow the phrase “Date rape drug” in court.

But the thought hangs right there in the open.

Tin Roof - Blue drink- date rape drug?

Site of the talked around date-rape drug not allowed in court

So there is much testimony surrounding, a blackout drinker from alcohol, the Victim’s complete lack of memory.   As routinely happens after ingesting a date-rape drug.  

So, there is much ado about a blue drink – did it come from Angie, the older woman booster of Vanderbilt football team, (who in call-in shows claims it did not) or; if it came from Brandon.  

Blue drink. Red herring.  The jury isn’t stupid.

Vandenburg -Retrial - Vandenburg blamed his rape victim

Again.  Horrible for Brandon.  The Victim is and remains, not human.

The District Attorneys

Vandenburg Retrial - The Prosecution

Now – a word about the one guy – the only sober guy there from the get-go, Mack Prioleau

Mack Prioleau stayed in the room during the Entire 30 minute attack, and other than turning his back on the Victim, and did nothing to stop it

Mack Prioleau comes from a rich family.  Some in Texas, some in technology in Silicon Valley.  

Vandenburg Retrial- Mack Prioleau's great life

How could this happen?   Easy.

As a reminder:  At the first trial, 18 months later, Mack Prioleau who literally rolled over and turned his back to the Victim, then testified didn’t know if he would do anything differently.  Seriously.

Mack Prioleau said that.  

Mack Prioleau transferred to a university in South Africa.  It’s claimed Prrioleau now does charity work.  By all means, lets have a look at some of the Prioleau’s friends and family adventures via the presentations he films.

Click –> for Mack Prioleau’s international, fun filled ongoing “Life for Charity!

No matter the verdict the take-away here is:  Women are disposable.  The question is not how they got this way, but why it’s difficult for women to be treated equally.  

Good news – that answer is easy.

The Prioleau family are big-time Texas members of the party that routinely demonstrates their loathing of women.

So I researched and this is what legally was going on in government in the year of the sports-bro gang rape of  2013.  And found this.

Republicans hate women

Returning to Mack Prioleau’s life post-trial

Mack Prioleaus has been very a very busy world traveler, since.

According to his blog,  Mack was in Japan, last month.


Why are the Vandenburg teen-age boys there?

My thought is Mom is (finally) no longer in denial.  So those boys are there to learn who their brother really is…and what happens when you treat women poorly – so those boys will be virgins until they marry.

Considering the family history; good move, Mom.


About bonnie russell

It's not about’s always about people.
This entry was posted in date rape, Election 2016, Government, Law, Media, misogyny, Nashville Judges, Rape, Republican Party, Silicon Valley misogyny, Vanderbilt University Sex crimes and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

42 Responses to Brandon Vandenburg Vanderbilt Retrial – The victim testifies

  1. BH says:

    Sorry for the duplicates. I thought it wasn’t going through so I resent it a couple times.


  2. BH says:

    Here is the link to Brandon Vandenberg’s jailhouse recordings:
    Here is the link to Cory Batey’s jailhouse recordings:

    Each guy is basically saying “poor me” and doesn’t understand why they are incarcerated. Batey goes so far as to say the victim gained weight so the jury must wonder why he would have been involved with her! True sociopaths — people who have no conscience and no feelings for others except themselves.

    Where is your new story Bonnie?


  3. BH says:

    Good article. One thing I disagree with is that the the brothers were in court so they can learn the consequences. I’m sure the brothers were in court because 1) the defense attorneys and Brandon’s family wanted jurors to view Brandon as someone who has family that loves him so they feel compassion for him and 2) for moral support of Brandon. I believe the mother is still in denial.

    On another note, have you heard the story Nick Beres reported of some of Brandon’s jailhouse phone recordings. Brandon states he doesn’t even know why he’s in prison. Corey Batey’s jailhouse recordings have been brought to light and are even worse. Google to hear them.


    • Thanks. If you have a link, would appreciate your adding it.
      Had not heard Nick’s take on jailhouse conversations. I kinda lost interest in Nick’s work product after he decided not to practice journalism with the Deputy that threw out the woman, acting more like a Defense hire than someone there to protect everyone’s rights. But will look it up when I have time.

      But it’s hard to believe Brandon the Honor Student has no clue why he’s in jail, given the lengths he went to to destroy evidence. As for CB – please. The first trial he was a Bible-toting apology making guy. By the second trial, he turned into a player. No time for that.


  4. Haida says:

    Thanks for this back ground on these pigs. That Jerk who turned his back should be made to pay. I’m sure in one way or another he will.
    Man I hate these kind of men. I don’t know if this is my pride in being Canadian at this moment in history but I just can’t imagine thi
    Thanks for this back ground on these pigs. That *@$! who turned his back should be made to pay. I’m sure in one way or another he will.

    Man I hate these *@$!s. I don’t know if this is my pride in being Canadian at this moment in history but I just can’t imagine this kind of stuff happening up here with as much frequency as it does down there. It seems the climate of hate, guns and crazy politics lend themselves to this insanity.

    May the rational good people of the US prevail.

    Thanks for this back ground on these pigs. That who turned his back should be made to pay. I’m sure in one way or another he will.
    Man I hate these #*@!s. I don’t know if this is my pride in being Canadian at this moment in history but I just can’t imagine this kind of shit happening up here with as much frequency as it does down there. It seems the climate of hate, guns and crazy fucking politics lend themselves to this insanity.

    May the rational good people of the US prevail.

    Happening up here with as much frequency as it does down there. It seems the climate of hate, guns and crazy politics lend themselves to this insanity.

    May the rational good people of the US prevail.


  5. Sultara says:

    P.S…MANY THANKS for your fine reporting! So happy to find a few others who are as outraged about these young “men” as I am! I do not believe there has been nearly enough spotlight on this case as it deserves! -Sultara


  6. Sultara says:


    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog articles and the comments from your followers! I have a question about “the blue drink!” I know the judge did not allow words relating to date-rape drugs…however, the DA seemed to highlight that blue drink. The victim was sure to say that BV insisted that she try it and drink the whole thing. My question is regarding any premeditation that BV may have exercised…who thinks this rape was something that he was planning at her apartment (Plan A), then his dorm (Plan B)??? Or is the consensus that the unplanned circumstances resulted in “the perfect storm” (or “the perfect rape”)??? Has this been brought up??? Have I missed something???

    There has been a lot of talk about the bystander mentality of Mack P….I am wondering if anyone has thought about Lauren’s actions (or lack of) in the aftermath. Yes, she took pictures to show the victim marks/bruises that she could not see. Furthermore, she testified three times to her astonishment at the condition of the victim…yet, she did not think about foul play and suggest going to the hospital or whatever….Any thoughts on Lauren Miller’s role as the best friend here???

    Your research seems to be impeccable! One issue that you negated, however, was regarding the vomit. The poor victim did vomit in BV’s dorm room (I thought I read somewhere in one of your articles that this was not the case…???…) However, both Mack P. and Lauren M. testified about that. Mack P. cleaned it up off the floor and off of his cooler in the corner. Lauren M. noticed it in the victim’s hair on the 23rd.

    I understand your disdain for Mack P. However, I must argue that Miles’ character is much deeper in one of the Nine Layers of Hell than Mack. His arrogance (“Oh I was just joking. I knew it would come out…) to scolding BV’s attorney in Round 1 not to raise his voice at him…Yes, Miles is in a league all of his own.

    Looking forward to hearing back from your and your followers!



    • Thanks for your comments. As for the blue drink – the judge also ordered the victim’s name not be used in court, but I also noticed Defense counsel continually “forgot” the order; but I digress.

      My personal opinion is Brandon scored a date-rape drug and used it. Perhaps in the blue drink.

      As for the vomit. I could be wrong. Fortunately am not married to my opinion, and certainly don’t mind if yours is different. Also, drinking girls and vomit, aren’t exactly, new to the planet. So my take is Ms. Miller, like the target, simply didn’t think “date-rape” drug.

      Thus, it strikes me the victim’s friend’s reaction was on-point with sheer astonishment. The victim was a physical wreck of course, but leaving it at that comes from inexperience. One doesn’t expect in a new relationship that one has been, well; targeted.

      So my take-away is from every date-rape drug story I’ve ever read. The one thing they all have in common is: misplaced trust.

      The target always claims the guy doping the drink was trustworthy. Period.
      (Which tells me either colleges are doing a terrible job educating women – or women opt to remain in their “that wouldn’t happen to me” bubble, instead of dealing with reality, head-on.

      In fact towards the end of May, a trio of women recently dining in Santa Monica noticed a guy doping a drink, then immediately followed his target into the bathroom and told her. She was also astonished. Especially since the doping guy was her long-time, trusted friend. Platonic friend. Not a boyfriend.

      So quite right, the target never suspected a thing. Here’s that story. My grip was the cops were called, but not before security reviewed the footage. So in other words, management “graded” the story of three women, and watched the video before calling the police, 45 freakin’ minutes later!

      (A fact I still find annoying…although it wasn’t highlighted in the story.)

      As for Miles. He’s despicable of course. Not even low-class. No class. Arguing with the attorney in court. Well, my position remains Miles peaked in high school.

      Ergo, Mack Prioleau remains at the top of my scumbag list for his actions that night and his so-called “charity” work now.

      However, the Bottom Line is this: Team up, ladies. Team up.


  7. My pleasure. Will feature you in my next post.


  8. Nancy Foster says:

    Yes – it was more misogynist work by the defense – along with snarky court personnel. I’m still thinking about it. This is the Truth – posted in reply to NC5_NickBeres: Haunting seared images of Brandon Vandenburg smiling directly at me in and outside of the courtroom – not in the hallway – and comments made by his attorney, Albert Perez Jr., along with some neglected crucial points in your post and misguided comments here have compelled me to respond about being escorted from the Birch Building on Saturday, June 18th. I wanted this to be a story about something completely different – i.e.misogyny – and that was cut from my Skpye interview. I’ve been in broadcasting so I know – you do what you have to do. But wait – this is news and – your take? 🙂 Nah. I never said, “Hi” to Brandon Vandenburg. I didn’t say Anything to him – Ever. I wasn’t harassing him in any form. And I promise really really – I didn’t “act like (a) fool(s).” I sat quietly in the back of the courtroom on Friday the 17th after resolving personal business that mandated me being at The Birch Building. Even as Brandon Vanderburg looked directly at me and beamed a confident smile as he walked past me in the courtroom on Friday, I didn’t respond to him in any Verbal – or physical – manner. I have the highest and utmost respect for the victim in this trial and and would not do anything to disrupt a courtroom, most especially during a trial of this magnitude.

    I recounted the exact sequence of events when I called in to News Channel 5’s Gavel to Gavel coverage. To encapsulate and expound though: I was at the Birch Building for a Small Claims Court trial on Thursday, in which I was the plaintiff. That doesn’t matter. I had to be there so I left the the courthouse immediately after my trial on Thursday. Until I discovered your “live” broadcast coverage, I wasn’t even remotely aware of the re-trail – much less that it was in the same building – on the same floor – as I’d been in earlier that day.

    So I had to finish personal business at the Birch Building on Friday – with much difficulty as I’m unable walk unaided after a car wreck – and had learned from your Coverage that the public was allowed in the Courtroom.
    A policeman was very helpful in guiding me to the correct courtroom. A Court Officer – possibly Mr. Joe Padula, to whom you seemingly defer to in your post 🙂 – questioned why I wanted to go into the courtroom, and I just said, “well isn’t the pubic allowed?” kinda like that and it went on but he finally sternly said, “Turn off your phone and sit only right there, on the back row, and do not move.” Yes, sir” I replied and I so obeyed that man. He seems English in his demeanor. So I sat quietly, watching the victim, total respect – and noticed that she left through a side door. Seated next to me was a man who’d been there throughout the trial as a spectator. During a break, we quietly talked and he expressed his concern for the twin brothers. I knew nothing of the family but began to see his point. I’d followed the case as it broke 3 years ago and sporadically on your broadcast so learning much more along the way.

    Since it’s difficult to walk and park, I’d taken taxis to the Birch Building and knew only of the stairs on 2nd Ave. where drivers had let me out as close as possible. On Friday, I drove since I felt sure I’d find a parking place and it was late in the day – around 4:00. After the trial was officially over, I waited for the courtroom to empty so as not to impede anyone leaving since I walk very slowly. I looked up from gathering my stuff – like putting on my Ray-Bans, turning my phone back on – and saw Mr. Perez, followed closely by Brandon Vandenburg, who stared in my eyes and smiled a friendly innocuous enough smile – as if he was just a happy care-free stranger just being polite. I showed no reaction but the proximity was unsettling and the courtroom seemed almost empty – and it was a tiny courtroom. The whole point – I waited a minute to make sure I’d not run into him again.

    Since the victim had left through a different door, I was surprised and a bit confused as to where Mr. Vanderburg was going. I rode in the elevator with a spectator I’d not met until then and she walked with me to the outside of the Birch Building – only to see about 7 people, including Brandon Vandenburg – standing right almost on 2nd Ave. unintentionally blocking the stairs where I needed to walk to get to my car.

    When I stopped to assess the options of getting to my car on Gay Street, Brandon Vandenburg smiled at me again. I specifically did Not want to walk by them and held up my cane and smiled to indicate that I was trying to walk to my car but didn’t want to interrupt them or bother or really – be near them. Some seemed to have gotten the point, even Brandon Vandenburg! – but a blonde woman asked, “May I help you?” I uttered, “Are you the family?” since – again – I didn’t want to go near them, wasn’t sure who they were, just standing there blocking the stairs, etc. – sorta surreal that they would be standing outside the Birch Building, smiling as if it was just another beautiful day in Paradise. Mr. Perez mumbled something inaudible and I began to explain that I’d just had a trial in the Birch Building and said, “The same thing happened to me” – when he interrupted me and said, “Well, you must’ve been dunk then!!!” – followed by this knee-slapping laughter. I was terribly confused by what he meant as I didn’t know that would be a major part of the defense and wanted to finish saying that I meant I was in a trial in the Birch building when I realized he possibly thought I meant I had been assaulted in – a similar manner? Drunk = my fault? The only thing that would come out of my mouth was, “What?” – with genuine quiet confusion tone and no emotion. Then – bam! Mr. Perez immediately said “She just threatened me! Get security – NOW!!!” I looked to my right and saw a handicapped wheelchair ramp and left with the woman I’d met on the elevator as quickly as I could limp on out of there. I went to a friend’s home and we decided it was an inexplicable, strange story and I was calm and reassured by friends that I’d done nothing wrong.

    I returned on Saturday as it was historical and compelling and I’d already forgotten about \what Mr. Perez said. The man I’d met on Friday who talked about feeling compassion for the twin brothers was there and the courthouse was full with the doors locked because more people had shown up on Saturday. During a break, the doors were opened and I went in to get a seat since it’s really imperative that I have a seat. Right then, Perez walked towards the door to the hallway, followed by Brandon Vandenburg, who once again smiled at me. Not wanting any trouble, I managed a very slight weak smile in return. Immediately, the Court Officer told me I had to leave. Confused, I asked him why and a police officer appeared and escorted me from the Birch Building. I never saw Brandon Vandenburg or Perez again – and not in the hallway – ever.

    Timing was weird. When the nice policemen – and he was – escorted me out – suddenly I saw Rod Vandenburg and his twin sons were walking past me. I said to the twins, “I’m sorry for what you two are going through” and both politely thanked me. Rod Vandenburg mumbled a thanks and said, “We have much bigger things on our minds.”

    That’s what happened. There was no “Drama in the Hallway” – no harassing or disparaging comments made by me – or Brandon Vandenburg for that matter, or any of his family. The twins looked genuinely appreciative and I am glad that I may have helped them but in the end, TRUTH, justice and respect for the victim is my concern. Peace and Love – Nancy


  9. The wrote about mysterious female accounts that popped up on Facebook in support of Brandon, (only to be later deleted). The newest one Maggie Holland

    has gone to great lengths to attack me on the news site, here.

    More work by the defense…or snarky court personnel? Don’t know. Not spending much time thinking about it. But someone is. 🙂


    • Nancy Foster says:

      5_NickBeres – Haunting seared images of Brandon Vandenburg smiling directly at me in and outside of the courtroom – not in the hallway – and comments made by his attorney, Albert Perez Jr., along with some neglected crucial points in your post and misguided comments here have compelled me to respond about being escorted from the Birch Building on Saturday, June 18th. I wanted this to be a story about something completely different and that was cut from my Skpye interview. I’ve been in broadcasting so I know – you do what you have to do. But wait – this is news and – your take? 🙂 Nah. I never said, “Hi” to Brandon Vandenburg. I didn’t say anything to him – Ever. I wasn’t harassing him in any form. And really – I didn’t “act like (a) fool(s).” I sat quietly in the back of the courtroom on Friday the 17th after resolving personal business that mandated me being at The Birch Building. Even as Brandon Vanderburg looked directly at me and beamed a confident smile as he walked past me in the courtroom on Friday, I didn’t respond to him in any Verbal or – or physical – manner. I have the highest and utmost respect for the victim in this trial and and would not do anything to disrupt a courtroom, most especially during a trial of this magnitude.

      I recounted the exact sequence of events when I called in to News Channel 5’s Gavel to Gavel coverage. To encapsulate and expound though: I was at the Birch Building for a Small Claims Court trial on Thursday, in which I was the plaintiff. That doesn’t matter. I had to be there so I left the the courthouse immediately after my trial on Thursday. Until I discovered your “live” broadcast coverage, I wasn’t even remotely aware of the re-trail – much less that it was in the same building – on the same floor – as I’d been in earlier that day.

      So I had to finish personal business at the Birch Building on Friday – with much difficulty as I’m unable walk unaided after a car wreck – and had learned from your Coverage that the public was allowed in the Courtroom.
      A policeman was very helpful in guiding me to the correct courtroom. A Court Officer – possibly Mr. Joe Padula, to whom you seemingly defer to in your post 🙂 – questioned why I wanted to go into the courtroom, and I just said, “well isn’t the pubic allowed?” kinda like that and it went on but he finally sternly said, “Turn off your phone and sit only right there, on the back row, and do not move.” Yes, sir” I replied and I so obeyed that man. He seems English in his demeanor. So I sat quietly, watching the victim, total respect – and noticed that she left through a side door. Seated next to me was a man who’d been there throughout the trial as a spectator. During a break, we quietly talked and he expressed his concern for the twin brothers. I knew nothing of the family but began to see his point. I’d followed the case as it broke 3 years ago and sporadically on your broadcast so learning much more along the way.

      Since it’s difficult to walk and park, I’d taken taxis to the Birch Building and knew only of the stairs on 2nd Ave. where drivers had let me out as close as possible. On Friday, I drove since I felt sure I’d find a parking place and it was late in the day – around 4:00. After the trial was officially over, I waited for the courtroom to empty so as not to impede anyone leaving since I walk very slowly. I looked up from gathering my stuff – like putting on my Ray-Bans, turning phone back on – to see Mr. Perez, followed closely by Brandon Vandenburg, who stared in my eyes and smiled a friendly innocuous enough smile – as if he was just a happy care-free stranger just being polite. I showed no reaction but the proximity was unsettling and the courtroom seemed almost empty. I waited a minute to make sure I’d not run into him again.

      Since the victim had left through a different door, I was surprised and a bit confused as to where Mr. Vanderburg was going. I rode in the elevator with a spectator I’d not met until then and she walked with me to the outside of the Birch Building – only to see about 7 people, including Brandon Vandenburg – standing right almost on 2nd Ave. unintentionally blocking the stairs where I needed to walk to get to my car.

      When I stopped to assess the options of getting to my car on Gay Street, Brandon Vandenburg smiled at me again. I specifically did Not want to walk by them and held up my cane and smiled to indicate that I was trying to walk to my car but didn’t want to interrupt them or bother or really – be near them. Some seemed to have gotten the point, even Brandon Vandenburg! – but a blonde woman asked, “May I help you?” I uttered, “Are you the family?” since – again – I didn’t want to go near them, wasn’t sure who they were just standing therem blocking the stairs, etc. – sorta surreal that they would be standing outside the Birch Building, smiling as if it was just another beautiful day in Paradise. Mr. Perez mumbled something inaudible and I began to explain that I’d just had a trial in the Birch Building and said, “The same thing happened to me” – when he interrupted me and said, “Well, you must’ve been dunk then!!!” – followed by this knee-slapping laughter. I was terribly confused by what he meant as I didn’t know that would be a major part of the defense and wanted to finish saying that I meant I was in a trial in the Birch building when I realized he possibly thought I meant I had been assaulted in – a similar manner. Drunk = my fault? The only thing that would come out of my mouth was, “What?” – with genuine quiet confusion tone and no emotion. Then – bam! Mr. Perez immediately said “She just threatened me! Get security – NOW!!!” I looked to my right and saw a handicapped wheelchair ramp and left with the woman I’d met on the elevator as quickly as I could limp on out of there. I went to a friend’s home and we decided it was an inexplicable, strange story and I was calm and reassured by friends that I’d done nothing wrong.

      I returned on Saturday as it was historical and compelling and I’d already forgotten about what Mr. Perez said. The man I’d met on Friday who talked about feeling compassion for the twin brothers was there and the courthouse was full with the doors locked because more people had shown up on Saturday. During a break, the doors were opened and I went in to get a seat since it’s really imperative that I have a seat. Right then, Perez walked towards the door to the hallway, followed by Brandon Vandenburg, who once again smiled at me. Not wanting any trouble, I managed a very slight weak smile in return. Immediately, the Court Officer told me I had to leave. Confused, I asked him why and a police officer appeared and escorted me from the Birch Building. I never saw Brandon Vandenburg or Perez again – and not in the hallway – ever.

      Timing was weird. When the nice policemen – and he was – escorted me out – suddenly I saw Rod Vandenburg and his twin sons were walking past me. I said to the twins, “I’m sorry for what you two are going through” and both politely thanked me. Rod Vandenburg mumbled a thanks and said, “We have much bigger things on our minds.”

      That’s what happened. There was no “Drama in the Hallway” – no harassing or disparaging comments whatsoever made by me – or Brandon Vandenburg for that matter, or any of his family. The twins looked genuinely appreciative and I am glad that I may have helped them but in the end, justice and respect for the victim is my concern.


      • Thanks you for this. I was getting very tired of arguing with the woman intent on smearing you on Facebook.

        Perez is a jerk. But if you read my past coverage, it should be obvious. thank you again for writing.


      • Nancy Foster says:

        Oh thank you for letting me put the truth out there! I don’t know who this woman is that was smearing me but the media totally spun this by completely and totally leaving out what that misogynist Perez said to me- “You must have been drunk” – and knowing now it was his main defense, I think it needs to be more of a story than I originally thought. I can only imagine how Brandon Vandenburg charmed the victim after the way he looked at me. Thanks again for your dedication to covering the truth!


  10. Moms Hugs says:

    Rod is aka Johnny Apple Tree.


  11. Moms Hugs says:

    Whew! I’m really glad you called out Richard’s protruding cheek when you did. For awhile there, I wasn’t sure if Richard was aka Rod Who-Wears-Hawaiian-Shirts-To-Court & was about to wish him/Rod a well-earned trip to hell & back if it froze. 😉


  12. D. Henry says:

    Thank you for this website – I only hope the brave victim is able to have a life of peace and happiness moving ahead – clearly she is successful now getting her PhD in Neuroscience vs. this team of dogshit that calls themselves human beings


  13. richard says:

    Vanderbilt was alive for over 11 billion hours. And only a few of those hours were a “mistake”. —> the number of “good” hours (taking care of siblings, cooking for family, etc.) outweigh the bad by a huge proportion—-> so proportionally he is actually more good than bad—->therefore logic dictates he should be acquitted (for being a good guy). Isnt that what the justice system is for? To acquit athletes when they make mistakes?


    • Hey Richard,

      If you read your comment when sober I bet you’ll stop drinking.


      • richard says:

        Dear Bonnie:

        My drinking habits are not the problem here. The problem is these are basically good kids who were just trying to have a good time. Im sure they never meant to hurt anyone. Admittedly they probably had a little bit too good of a time, and the girl they were having a good time with probably didnt have that good of a time. Especially since she wasnt even conscious to have the enjoyment of being gang raped by a bunch of gorillas, but at any rate we should not forget that these kids are (were) damn good football players. Has anyone thought about the fact that now these kids will never be able to play football again? I dont know if they have football leagues in the federal prison system, but if they do they are most definitely not as lucrative as the NFL. I feel sorry for them (I think I am the only one who does) because it was only a few hours of action and besides the girl was just one life ruined whereas the guys were three lives ruined. Hmmm, lets see….one life?….three lives? Sounds like they got the worst of the deal. They might have turned out to be great football stars. Now? Nothing.

        I might ad that as far as my drinking goes, its true it is a problem, but it is not as bad as it used to be. Unfair legal actions against me have forced me to curtail my alcohol consumption to the point where I am no longer able to drink on my way to work (unless I can borrow a car that doesnt have a court mandated ignition interlock).

        Oh and by the way, I did read my post, and I was sober (for the most part), and I have not stopped drinking yet. So I guess you lost that bet.


      • Happy to have spotted the tongue in your cheek. 🙂


  14. deborah says:

    Thanks for all the good reporting, Bonnie, and to the links to Mack Prioleau’s website. I noticed it’s all written, by Mack, in the 3rd person, a hint of his inability to take responsibility for his own decisions, and is filled with brags. He describes that at Vanderbilt: “In addition to football and academics, Mack was elected to be the Member Educator for his fraternity, and has been certified by the “Green Dot” program for prevention of sexual assault.” So there! Maybe rolling over in bed during a gang rape is a Green Dot technique? These guys are pathetic. So glad of yesterday’s verdict.


    • Thanks Deborah. This case pretty much ended my quiet toleration of misogyny. A condition of tolerance that wasn’t that quiet to begin with. 🙂

      I for sure didn’t want Mack Prioleau’s role to be lost to history, given Prioleau’s solution was to journey around the world – and look for speaking gigs for whatever he claims his “charity” work is.

      Giant Freakin’ Loser – is what should be Mack Prioleau’s title in life.


      • And it will be, while he didn’t rape that woman. He didn’t do anything to help or or stop it, so in my view he is a coward. no man or woman deserves to be treated in the way that victim at Vanderbilt was treated, and I agree Vandenburg learned well, his family is as horrid as he is. Hopefully the prison sentence he gets will take him off the streets and away from all women to not fear this monster. as for Prioleau, he will have to live with the rest of his life he is a coward. Like I said he didn’t ask to happen what happened but when he had a chance to stop it or report who did it, he didn’t.


      • What people forget is the only reason Brandon didn’t join the gang-rape he facilitated, was because the cocaine in his system prevented him from getting an erection.

        However,Brandon gave it the old college try, by watching porn – so no one can say he didn’t have intent.


  15. Muhammad Ali says:

    Thanks for having the courage to post these details and speak up against the ill treatment of the women in our society. Something that must change, especially in the entitled elements of our country.


  16. Sally Spelbring says:



  17. Moms Hugs says:

    As you know, pathological lying is a learned behavior that cannot be unlearned later in life. Most people have run into at least one in their lifetime ~ in the family, at school/college, work or church, in their dating or marriage partners, and in business dealings. For this reason, criminal cases are generally there because of lying SOBs & juries are entrusted with sorting out who is telling the truth & who is lying. Supposedly, that’s the genius of the US justice system based upon a jury of our peers. The fault line of our justice system lies elsewhere – judges, lawyers, detectives, police, etc. – such as was the case with Brock Turner. So… another jury gets to decide Brandon’s “intentions” based upon his own digital evidence after lying to his victim, teammates, friends, and family. Oh, yea, and to detectives – those very smart criminal experts who followed that evidence to its ultimate conclusion, as will this jury. Having said all that, I surely hope I’m not being a pollyanna in old age!


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